November so far

A brief summary of my life this last month

In no particular order...

  1. A protracted bout of 'flu

  2. House suddenly became wetter inside than out, "damp" doesn't really seem to be a strong enough word

  3. Incapacitated by a bad back probably brought on by too much lolling about (see 1) and possibly too much damp (see 2)

  4. Cooker hob, hood and washing machine all broke down on the same day. Fortunately the washing machine filter was blocked and the hood had been inadvertently switched off at the plug when a bowl had been pushed into it. I feel the repair man got rather more enjoyment from these "repairs" than was strictly necessary but still, £60.00 well spent!

  5. Massive patch of rotten wood discovered on the back corner of studio/shed where (unknown to me) the builders had stacked a big ole pile of moisture retaining crap including a full bucket of mud... wtf? Cue massive tantrum, tears and general anguish.

  6. Studio/shed roof leaking directly over where I sit!

On the upside we did get a lovely man round to fix the drain pipe that had been leaking for 6 months and replace 3 of the 4 light bulbs that had gone in the bathroom... We had been unable to do it because when they put the bathroom in 2 years ago they painted the actual fittings into the ceiling. Yes we lived with it for nearly 2 years because telling a builder that we couldn't replace a light bulb was SO humiliating! Also that is the speed we deal with house related issues.

Between the 'flu and the bad back I did 2 good things...  I set up my own group, Art Glass Beads by Judith on Facebook. More about this soon, but if you are on Facebook and you like my beads please join and check it out. I also made it to the pub quiz for the first time since July and we won. I got one answer the whole evening (beryllium) which I like to believe won us the quiz... Yay to the half wits!

So that's what has been going on in my world. A ton of crap but no one died and now we can see when we clean out teeth so it's all good.

We are nearly in December at which point I can and will mention the C. word

Here is one I made earlier, before November happened!


Taken a turn for the woo-woo


Balance and Beads